Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Artist Statement

Title: My Children

Name: Edgar Garabito

I chose to make this artwork out of a TAG bottle and some white and black paint, because I wanted to make an authentic piece of folk art. I drew my grandma in white with five children and on the other side I drew Harriet Tubman with five slaves which she considers her children. Harriet Tubman is the biggest figure on the white side; she is painted black, as well as the slaves. My grandma, Beatriz Garabito, is the biggest figure on the black side painted white, as well as her children. I chose to make this artwork the way it is because I felt like My Grandma and Harriet Tubman had the same love for there children/slaves, and found a good way to show that.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Trial Paragraph

One challenge I had in the trial was that I wasn’t prepared enough and my questions for the witness’s weren’t strong enough. Strength I had was my closement argument, even though, it also didn’t go as well. I came in during the morning with Ms. Staff so that I can do my closement argument with her because she is super smart and knows how to right good closement argument. She helped me a lot and I tried my best in putting smart words and making it longer. I think I should get a C+ on this trial because I messed up and let my teammates down.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Short Story Reflection

Title: The Door

Author: Edgar Garabito

Genre: Fantasy/ Nonfiction


Menor Text: Part of it was from Lord of the Rings. The parts of the elves and the action in the story were based of it. Another part was from a picture shown in class about a little door in a basement, and a kid walking down the stairs. The caption for that photo said that the kid saw the door knob turn.

Audience: Youth kids-Teens

Writing Process: When I wrote my story, i had waited to the last minute, so I got help from Ms Staff. She told me how to write a story, and how it was supposed to be formated, which helped a lot. I had problems with my grammar, but Ms Staff read my story and showed me were I needed to correct my spelling mistakes.

Publishing Process: I went to staples to print out my story and a picture for the cover i have made in Photoshop. They put my book together, and only had to show them the file they needed to print out in my flash drive

Friday, November 2, 2007

Feature Cast From The Past! Reflection

Project Purpose:
To understand the difference between Cause/Effect Relationships and Correlations. To understand how and why major events in history are connected and intertwined (think yarn activity). To research a major event from U.S. history in order to understand why it is significant and how it relates to other major events. To understand features of a feature article and podcast and to be able to create a feature article and podcast about your major event in history.

Project Purpose:
To present the 5ws of your major event to the class. To write/peer edit/revise a feature article or podcast. To have at least three drafts in your writing portfolio. To present a polished version of your feature article or podcast on Media Night, as well as posting it online to our Team feature cast from the Past web page.

Specific Concepts Learned:
1. One concept I learned in this project is the difference between cause and effect. Cause is something that happened and effect is the result, what came out of what happened.

2. Another concept i learned is how to use Pages in a Mac and make my own hook when writing, so I can get readers to keep on reading my writing, in this case my feature article. I learned how to use Pages from my friends because I didn't know how to use it and a lot of them did, so they helped me a lot. I thought It was easer and better looking than making it in Adobe Illustrator.

Real-World Significance:
If I ever wanted to write my own article, so that it can go into a magazine, then learning how to use Pages would help me a lot. It would help me with any other writing job. I also learned how to make a hook, which again would help with any job dealing with writing because it helps readers keep on reading, because most readers read the first sentence to see if it isn't boring and if it doesn't bore them then they keep on reading.

My Querencia Clip board

This is my Querencia Clipboard that I made! It is a volleyball net, and I made it out of a Clipboard because it was part of the project. In this project we had to design are clipboard into something we are passioned about and love. A Querencia which is on the back of my clipboard, is your own place that you like reading at or doing anything, but it doesn't have to be a place it can also be something you are passionate about, which in this case mine is volleyball. I chose Volley ball because it makes me feel like I'm somewhere that is away from all my problems and I'm very passionate about it. I have my querencia writing on the bottom if you want to read it.

My Querencia
A Querencia is somewhere or something that makes you feel safe and happy, somewhere like your home or just outside. Well my Querencia is playing volleyball because it is so much fun and very exciting. Not only that, every time I hit the ball it makes me feel happy; somehow it separates me from all the bad things happening to me at the time. It also makes me feel safe from everything that surrounds me and makes me feel like I’m in a different world were nothing bad can happen to me, it’s just me and the volleyball. I usually play in the sand, like on the beach because it’s easier to dive on and is just more fun, except when the sand is hot. Most of my friends don’t play volleyball so I can only play with my cousin, but I’m trying to get them to play so that some day we can all play together. I have only been playing volleyball for a year, not even a year only about 4-5 months, so I’m new to this. Volleyball is fun, if you know how to play it, but if you don’t it isn’t that fun. This sport brings lots of joy into my life and that is why I chose it for my Querencia, not only is it fun and exciting but it makes me feel powerful when I am about to hit volleyball over the net. Well there is not much more to say about volleyball, so I’m going tot have to bump, set and spike my way out of here.